The Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP)

The Atlantic Immigration Program is designed to stimulate economic growth in Canada’s Atlantic provinces by attracting skilled workers. is a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers and international graduates from a Canadian institution who want to work and live in 1 of Canada’s 4 Atlantic provinces—New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Newfoundland and Labrador. The program helps employers hire qualified candidates for jobs they haven’t been able to fill locally.

Who can apply?

To qualify for the Atlantic Immigration Program, applicants must have an official job offer. Usually, in order to obtain a Canadian job offer valid for immigration purposes, the applicant must obtain a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This is not required for the Atlantic Immigration Program. Instead, the job offer must be from a designated employer.

The Atlantic Immigration Program started as a pilot program in 2017 and was made permanent at the beginning of 2022. The AIP is responsible for welcoming over 6,000 newcomers to Atlantic provinces each year.

Atlantic Immigration Program Requirements

It is an employer-led program that aims to bring candidates to the region to fill positions for which Canadian citizens and permanent residents are not available.

To hire through the AIP, employers do not need a Labour Market Impact Assessment. Instead, they must meet requirements to become designated to make job offers.

Candidate Requirements:


Certain candidates can apply for a temporary work permit before sending their permanent resident application. This allows them to start work while their application for permanent residence is processed.


Each job offer made through the Atlantic Immigration Program requires provincial endorsement.

The application for endorsement is handled by the employer after the candidate has their Settlement Plan.

Candidates should not submit a permanent residence application until they receive a Certificate of Endorsement. This should be submitted with the application.


Candidates through all three Atlantic Immigration Program programs require a Settlement Plan after receiving an offer of employment.

The Settlement Plan is designed to help you settle in Canada by highlighting resources specific to you and your family’s needs. You will also find where you can go to the community to get help.

Candidates make the Settlement Plan with a settlement service provider, available both inside and outside Canada.